Mathemati-stan: a map of the big areas in mathematics. "Unexplored wilds" should mark the outside edges, as exploration continues in every direction.  But what would be really neat is an animation showing the evolution of mathematics as a movement of populations ideally ending with a final heat-map of modern usage / applications. 

Either of these views would show that a modern pure mathematician is more likely to be found working in a far-flung, sparsely populated province of Mathematistan.

However, though industrially applicable mathematics is still heavily concentrated in a few locales, what's exciting is influx of advanced mathematics into industry, brought in on the twin currents of scientific computing and simulation.

[1] source: +Richard Green  via +Mrinal Singh
[2] original video by Martin Kuppe:
Mathematics: Measuring x laziness² (Earthlings 101, Episode 13)
