Who's Winning the Battle of Distributed Version Control Systems?  Several years ago, when choosing between Git and Mercurial, the eventual winner was perhaps still unclear.  Mercurial had Mozilla, Joel Spolsky, Facebook, and Python amongst others.  And of course Python had Google in its corner, which seemed not too bad a counter-weight to the fact that Git had Linux and most Linux projects. 

Today it appears that Git, with GitHub, can be said to have won the DVCS rivalry, judging by captured mindshare of open source developers.  That's no disrespect to Mercurial which is still used and loved by many.  (Indeed, I've been one of these for almost half a dozen years now.)

But Git, well, the article describes it all. 

Now, if you're reading this and are still on Subversion or heaven forbid, CVS, it might be time to consider whether a modern distributed version control systems may offer some more appealing ways of working.  If you do start looking, Git and TortoiseGit are a pretty good place to start.